Various prices
You may have different prices for the same event depending on the type of registration. For example: a registration that includes merchandise, to distinguish the registration of federated, non-federated, etc. These are some of the most common uses.
To create various prices:
- Select prices on the left hand menu.
- Click on create price, on the upper right.
- On the following screen fill-in:
- Type/Name for the price.
- Date and starting time: the time the price will become active. You can have different starting times for various prices.
- Price title: visible to the participants.
- Import: amount of money to be paid.
- Maximum number of registrants: maximum number of participantes that can register at this price. If you will use various types of prices, you can leave it blank.
- Deadline: the day and time the price is no longer active. If the price will stop being active along with the final date participants can register, you can leave it blank.
- Click on save.
- Click again on create price, to create an additional price.
- Fill in the informational fields. Keep in mind various prices cannot have the same name. In the example you can see a price with the name "registration + T-shirt" - 15 €.
A price that changes depending on the registration date
This method is used when the price changes depending on the registation date, or on the number of registrants. Here the participants always have a single price visible, even when it changes depending on your conditions.
To create a price with these conditions:
- Click again on create price, to create an additional price.
- On the next screen fill-in:
- Type/Name: for the price.
- Date and starting time: the time the price will become active. You can have different starting times for various prices.
- Price title: visible to the participants.
- Import: amount of money to be paid.
- Maximum number of registered: maximum number of participantes that can register at this price. If you will use various types of prices, you can leave it blank. For example, you can set it to 1000 participants, and the price will change once the quantity of participants reaches 1000.
- Date and time limit: enter the date and time you want the price to change.
You can combine both maximum number of participants and deadline date and time. Set up both so if the amount of registrants is not reached, the price will still change at the deadline.
- Click on add other amount: add a new price with the same name (but not type of price), to be applied in the event that any of the conditions of the previous price are met, or if the maximum number of participants in that price is reached, or if the deadline is reached.
Please note that when you only have one price change, no selector will appear on the registration form.
You can combine both types of prices. For example, you can have 2 types of prices with different amounts depending either on the number of subscribers or by deadlines.
In this case, the registration form will display a selector to choose the appropriate price.
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