Creating events in Sportmaniacs


An event is each one of the timed classes within a single race. Some races have only one class, and therefore will have only one event. An example of a race with more than one event could be a popular race with a 5K and 10K in the same race.


Creating different modalities (events) will allow you to configure different registration prices, different price change periods, different fields with the request for information, etc.


To create an event you must have previously created a race.
  1. In the side menu of the race click on the “+” icon in the “Events” section.
    Creating events in Sportmaniacs - Step1

  2. In the pop-up window, fill in the event information.
    • Name
    • Description
    • Date
    • Start time
    • Distance in Kilometres (KM)
    • Race type
    Creating events in Sportmaniacs - Step2

  3. Click “Save”.
If you want to create a free path event to be used as a pre-race training in the Live App, you have to create a new event and mark a distance of 0 km. It is recommended that you give this new event a meaningful name: free path, free route, training…
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