Attributes - speacial fields

From the attributes section within any of the events in a race, you will be able to customize registration with almost any data.

In all attributes you have to fill in the following information:

  • Attribute name, not visible to participants. 

  • Description: shown on the registration form.

  • More information: the small text that will appear below the description

  • Link for more information: You can add a link that can be followed if there is a webpage with relevant and specific information about an attribute. 

  • Type of information field: select the type of information field the attribute will utilize, you can choose from the following:
    • Text: We can introduce any character and limit character count, for example dorsal name, license, etc. 
    • Yes/No: Shows a checkbox to mark (yes) or (no). You can setup a price that will be applied to the registration price either positively, (it will add the amount to the registration price) or negatively (it will apply a discount on the registration price). This type of attribute is the one you will commonly use when you want to make charges or discounts. For example, a discount for being a member of a federation, a donation to an association, etc.
      • In the price field for a product is where we put the total discount (in negative) or to add a price (in positive, but without the +).
    • Numeral: Option to type numbers, for example shoe size. 
    • Options: Allows us to select between various options. The fields appear as: 
      • Dropdown menu: You can introduce values separated by “;” without spaces. This is used for size, for example.
      • Drop-down quantities: as in the previous field we will separate the quantities by ";", for example, if we only have 150 T-shirts in size S, or if we want to make different waves according to time. Once the quantity we have set has been used up, this option will disappear.
    • Product: Its main use is the sale of different products with fixed or variable prices. Its operation is similar to that of options, although there are two more informational fields.
      • The dropdown options and dropdown quantities fields work the same way as in the options attribute type.
      • Fixed price or variable price selector by option. We select one or the other depending on the product we want to show. For example: if it is the sale of a sweatshirt we will choose the fixed price option, on the other hand if we want to offer different physiotherapy services, we will choose variable price. As in the drop-down options, we will separate these prices by ";".
      • Attribute image: allows us to upload an image for the attribute. This will be enlarged in the front end when the participants click on it.

  • Mandatory selection: fill in this field if the selection is mandatory. A very common mistake is to make yes/no fields mandatory and all participants must select it in order to register. For example, combined with a YES/NO field, you can use it to verify that all participants claim to be in good health. You can also make it mandatory to fill in an options field in which you ask participants for their t-shirt size.

  • Possibility to display an attribute in the confirmation email: You can mark a field to be displayed in the confirmation email. You will have the option to include any of the attributes you have created in the registration. For example, the size of the T-shirt, if they have taken out cancellation insurance, etc. It is enabled with a check to activate this option

  • Dependent attribute: As the name suggests, you can make fields dependent on other fields. You can hide fields so that they only become visible if the participant selects a price type or a Yes/No field. Dependent attributes will only be visible if the condition for it is met. For example, you have created an attribute that is a Federated yes/no type, and another one that is a text type field to fill in the license number. You have made it dependent on the Federated field, so it will not be visible unless the participant has selected that he/she is federated. In addition, we can make this second field mandatory if it is made visible.
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