Creating a race in Sportmaniacs

To time a race with the boxes connected remotely and then publish the rankings, the race must be created beforehand in Sportmaniacs.

  1. Click the “Create race” button in the upper right corner of home or race screen.Creating a race in Sportmanias - Step1

    In the upper right corner you also have the “Copy race” option, which you can use to create a race with the same characteristics as one you have already created. A good example would be the next edition of the same race.

  2. Complete the following race data in the pop-up window:
    • Name: Name of the race.
    • Enterprise: Name of the timing company.
    • Date: Start date of the race.
    • End Date: End date of the race.
    • Country: Country where the race will take place.
    • Province: Region where the race will take place.
    • City: City where the race will take place.
    • Race Type: Choose between running en route, mountain running, cycling tour, MTB, triathlon, duathlon, aquathlon, swimming.
    • Time Zone: The time zone in which the race will take place.
    • Currencies: The monetary unit in which the registration is paid. You must complete this even if the inscriptions are not going to be made in Sportmaniacs and you are only creating the race for timing.
    • Default Language: Language the race information will be displayed in.
    • Pos Terminal Profile: Profile for the configuration of the online payment platform. Again, you must complete this even if registrations are not going to be made in Sportmaniacs.

      Creating a race in Sportmaniacs - Step2

  3. Click “Save”.
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