Organizer Control Panel

The Organizer Panel is a plugin for people outside the timing team to be able to consult race information. This plugin generates an access to Copernico for organizers, judges and all those who need to consult information in Copernico.

It is a very powerful visualization tool that will allow you to generate different profiles or panels, depending on the information you want them to see.

Panel Organizador 1.jpg

For example, you can create a profile for viewing race data on a dashboard. This way they will be able to consult the race status widgets, athletes' statuses and even the commentator dashboard. 

Likewise, you can create a profile or panel, in which they can view participant information using presets. 


How to configure the organizer panel?

  1. Go to "plugins" on the left side menu
  2. Go to "Organizer panel".
  3. Click on "add" at the top right. A new window will open.

Panel Organizador 2.jpg


  1. Enter a name for this organizer panel. For example: "Organization".
  2. Enter a name for the dashboard module.
  3. Enter a name for the participants module. And associate a default preset. You can leave it empty but keep in mind t the organizer will have to prepare the display on participants. Our recommendation is to always associate a preset.
  4. Add as many participant panels as necessary. For example, you can add a panel for them to consult the list of registered participants. Another panel so that they can check the steps through the points.

Panel Organizador 3.jpg


You can also choose whether an organizer's panel can only show a dashboard, similar to the one used for timing, or only participants.

One of the most common ways of working is for the organization to have a dashboard that only displays how many people have passed through each of the points.

And on the other hand, to have another panel in which you only show the passing points of the participants, so that the judges can check the passing points of each of the participants.

The module setup would appear as follows:


Panel Organizador 4.jpg


The configuration of each panel would be as follows:



Panel Organizador 6.jpg




Panel Organizador 5.jpg


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