Creating a race in Copérnico

You can create a race in Copernico in three different ways:

💡We recommend that you create and import the race settings from Sportmaniacs whenever possible, especially if you are timing remotely as you will need the connection to the Sportmaniacs Cloud.

Create a race from scratch

  1. Click “Create new race” on the “Races” page.

  2. Fill in the name of the race and the time zone in which it will take place.

  3. Click on “+ Add” in the events section and fill in the event name, distance in meters and date and time of the event.

When creating a race you must create all the necessary elements for its configuration: splits, sections, intervals, categories, attributes, trophies… There is a creation menu in each of the elements of the race configuration that can be seen by clicking on the three points icon of the bar of each element:

With the creation menu you can:

  • Create elements in block, instead of doing it one by one.
  • Import the element from another race.
  • Clean or delete an element.
  • Editing tasks such as cutting, copying, or pasting the element from one event to another within the same race configuration.

Now you have to create all the elements of the race configuration:

  1. Create the splits for the event. We explain how to configure splits in this article.

    Creating a race - Splits

  2. Create the intervals for the event. We explain how to configure intervals in this article.

    Creating a race - Intervals

  3. Create at least one wave for the event. We explain how to configure waves in this article.

    Creating a race - Waves

  4. Create the different categories for the event. We explain how to set up categories in this article.

  5. Create the attributes required to later extract specific rankings. We explain how to configure attributes in this article.

  6. Click “Save”.
💡The names you give in Copérnico to events will then appear in both Live and reports.


Create a race importing an existing race from Copérnico

  1. Click “Create new race” on the “Races” page.

  2. Click on the “Import” icon in the right side menu.

  3. Select the race you want to import to Copérnico.

  4. Click on “Yes” in the pop-up window.

❗Any information of the race that you have previously configured will be deleted during the import.
💡The names that you assign in Copérnico to the events will appear later both in Live and in the reports.
💡There must be at least one wave per event, although you can modify it later. It is also essential that you include the categories of the race: without them, nothing will appear on Live.
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