Activation of extended tag sequencing

Regarding the new feature, it will allow you to read chips with encoding higher than 65,536. If you are not going to time races with more than 65000 chips, you don't need this new feature, we recommend you to ignore it.

If you are worried about reading chips from other races or companies, remember that you can activate the race and company filters.


To activate it, go to the configuration section in the TSOne and TS2 timing equipment software, and select extended chip coding at the bottom of the menu.


Sec. Extendida 1 Copy.jpg


Sec. Extendida 2 Copy.jpg



A few things to keep in mind:

  • If you enable this function, it will always remain enabled on the device at all times, having to disable it manually.

  • The chips must have been coded specifically for this option. You must request your chips in order to use this feature.
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