Low data usage mode

The low data usage mode reduces the number of internet queries. This is useful in races with limited internet connection. An example of this are races that are timed with a satellite connection, as it would be very expensive for the device to send and receive data every second.


Follow the steps below to activate low data usage mode on your computer.

  1. Press the menu button.
  2. Select “Configuration”. ⚙️
  3. Click the button to activate or deactivate the sound
  4. Click the activation switch for “low data usage mode” on the right hand side.

The activation tab will change its colour to green when the data usage mode is activated. On the main screen the TSCloud icon will change to yellow.

💡TS2 will send you a warning that you are in low data usage mode when you make any changes to the settings that require connection to the cloud.


Repercussions of the low data usage mode

  • Sending readings: readings will be sent every 30 seconds or when there are more than 100 readings in queue.
  • Sending temperatures, antenna status and battery charge levels: every 5 minutes.
  • Remote synchronization requests: every 1 minute.
  • Updates of time zone policies: never.
❗❗If you activate the low data usage mode you must take into account that if a device is turned off or disconnected from the internet this information will not be updated in TSConnector until after two minutes.
💡We recommend that you leave the device completely set up when you still have an internet connection via ethernet or wifi and that you activate the low data usage mode before reaching the location.
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