Custom Rankings

We have developed a tool to publish custom rankings in a very simple way. With this new way of publishing, you can publish results for teams, triathlons, special rankings (attributes), and many other needs that will be explained through examples.

With a single click you can publish custom rankings in the cloud for your races.

In addition, this new tool will be easily adaptable to rankings web pages via CSS.

We have named it timingsense Custom Rankings.

Of course, it is compatible with the classic rankings publication in Copernico.

Your race has no team rankings or attributes? No problem, you can continue publishing results in Sportmaniacs as before.

You will also be able to use both publications in Sportmaniacs, although if you do this, custom rankings will take precedence over the classic publication of results.


How many types of ranking's publications exist?

There are actually various ways to publish results for a race: 

  1. Classic Rankings publication in Sportmaniacs. Publication is limited to the available fields. Publishing for teams and attributes via pdf.
  2. Publishing results  with Custom Rankings. Previous setup is necessary. This action will upload the custom rankings that you have configured in Copernico to a new platform that we have called "timingsense rankings." This new platform can be connected via API for the consumption of such data to third party APPS, or embed the custom rankings in Sportmaniacs to third party websites.
  3. Exportation and publication of results to a CSV or PDF. You can export any presets you have available in Copernico and any document. This will allow you to publish it in pdf, excel, CSV, etc.

The three ways to to publish rankings require manual processes in order to publish rankings. This is the main difference between the Live feature, in which the results are displayed and updated live in the moment.  

To date, there has only been one publication of results on Sportmaniacs. These rankings in Sportmaniacs are neither exportable nor customizable. It allowed you to publish the default information displayed in Sportmaniacs and you could not add any other field.

These limitations are solved with the custom rankings in which you choose both the methods to calculate these rankings and the fields you want to display.


How do custom rankings work?

Here is a grapic representation of how custom rankings work: 

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The process is as follows: 

  1. In Copernico, set up custom rankings. 
  2. Save the setup so that the rankings can be generated. 
  3. Publish the rankings to timingsense rankings. 
  4. After copying the Html code, these custom rankings are displayed through the timingsense rankings widget.
  5. To publish custom rankings in Sportmaniacs, publish them in the timingsense rankings widget in Sportmaniacs.
  6. View the widget in Sportmaniacs or on the website where the Html was inserted.

This process can be done before or after the race, but always before publishing in timingsense rankings.

As you can see in the image, from Copernico, the manual upload is done either for Sportmaniacs or for custom rankings.

In both cases, each tool has a widget that can be published on a third party website.

In addition, in the case of custom rankings, they can be connected via API to the new platform.


How do you set up custom rankings?

We have added custom rankings in the race settings section as another tab.

The custom rankings are applied per event, so if you have several events they need to be setup separately You can choose whether to create a custom ranking for one event and not for another.

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When accessing custom rankings, the process never begins from 0. It displays the standard rankings as custom rankings, a general ranking, by gender, by category, and by attribute (if it has attributes). These are the same as those generated internally by Copernico.

As mentioned above, for these rankings to be generated, the configuration must be saved.

In addition, a family of team classifications is generated automatically. Of course, as long as the race has teams. This does not require setup, although the team rankings are not customizable.

Also the filter fields will be displayed (by default, the status filter: finished and running), as well as the fields that will be displayed in the table that is published in the widget. Default:

  • Position
  • Bib
  • Name
  • Surname
  • Club
  • Split time


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Rankings will publish the results with these column headers. It will be on the page where you publish the results that the column headers will be changed.


What does each section mean in customized rankings?

Once you have accessed the customized rankings, you will see that there are different configurable sections:

  1. Family. You can create a grouping of rankings based on a "family". For example, you can create a grouping of rankings for the total leg of a race, or for one of the specific legs.
  2. Splits: these are the legs in which custom rankings will be generated. By default, all the legs generated in the event are selected.

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  1. Grouping by Rules. It refers to the necessary segmentations. The rules correspond to the list of fields, or the combination of fields, by which a ranking will be generated. If you want to create a ranking for all participants, regardless of the grouping rules, you should leave "include ungrouped" checked.

  2. Rules. You will add as many rules as you need for the timing the event. In the filter you can select the fields that exist to create the rules. For example: gender, category, or attribute.

  3. Filters. These will be applied before generating the rankings. For example, you can generate rankings only for participants who have finished the race.

  4. Sorting. The criteria by which you want the participants to be sorted in the ranking. There are 2 configurations:
    • Simple. In which they are configured by fields:  
      • Leg: the one you have selected for the family. It will be sorted according to time, net time, location, raw time or position, and with ascending or descending direction.
      • Participants: allows you to select any of the participant fields and choose the ascending or descending direction according to your needs.
    • Advanced. A javascript function can be inserted to perform the sorting based on the necessary criteria.

  5. Publication. You choose the fields to be displayed in the table. In addition, it will allow you to use different types of processing to publish results. This means that using javascript code you can modify the style. All the athlete's fields are uploaded to timingsense rankings and you can configure them in the widget or request them via API.


What happens when custom rankings are generated?

It should be remembered that by default custom rankings are not generated. You need to save the configuration for these to be generated.

If custom rankings have been configured with the same criteria as the standard Copernico rankings (general, gender and categories), both will be identical.


When can custom rankings be used?

Custom rankings can be used in the following cases:

  • Always.
  • When there are complex rankings that are not calculated in the standard.
  • When there are rankings of intermediate sections, for example, a time trial or a trialton.
  • Whenever it is necessary to publish fields that are not by default in the Sportmaniacs results publication, for example, when you want to use fields to associate values such as country flags.


Practical Examples

Publication of classic results (overall, gender, category, attributes and teams) using custom rankings. The widget will be used for the integration of the results on the race website.

The most logical process to follow is: 

  1. Setup the race in Copernico for timing. 
  2. Time the race. 
  3. Once the race is finished, check that the custom rankings are the ones you need. Families, rules and filters. It should be the correct configuration. Why after the race is finished? In case any changes are made to the setup that do not affect generating custom rankings.
  4. Save the configuration so that custom rankings are generated.
  5. Upload custom rankings to timingsense rankings.
  6. Once the custom rankings have been published, copy the Html code of the widget and paste or send it. It will appear once the publication is done.

Publishing results for a Triathlon / Duathlon using custom rankings.

The process is explained assuming that no positions are generated from the start to each of the points. The rankings will be for the swim, bike, run sections.

If the race has live timing the leaders will be shown in the leaders section.

  1. Configure the race in Copernico for timing. Especially the splits. A classic configuration will be like the example image:

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There are 3 sections in which rankings are generated and a final section from the start to the finish line.

  1. Carry out the timing. 
  2. Once the race is finished, check that the custom rankings are the ones you need. Families, rules and filters. The basic configuration would be the one generated by default with all the selected sections, marked "include not grouped", with the grouping rules of gender, category, and the attributes of the event.

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The status filter with running and finishers selected. Sorting by leg - ascending and posting fields position, bib number, first name, last name, club and leg time.


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  1. Save the configuration to generate the custom rankings.
  2. Upload the custom rankings to timingsense rankings.
  3. Once the custom rankings have been published, copy the Html code of the widget and paste or submit it. It appears once the publication is done. La visualización de los mismos puede ser como se muestra en las siguientes imágenes. 

In the summary tab we can see event information such as the podium, the percentage of finishers by category or the time of the last one.


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In the rankings tab you can see the table with the fields that have been configured to be visible in the table. As well as the different segmentations that have been configured. In this case, gender, categories, and different attributes.


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