Creating and printing reports

In Copérnico you can create reports with classifications from the “Reports” section. You can customize these reports for each race by adding the elements that most interest you and customizing their look.


Creating reports

  1. Click on “Reports” on the left side menu. If you have already created reports before, your previous reports will appear on the screen.

  2. Click on the “+” icon in the menu on the right to create a new report and complete the necessary information.
    • Complete the name of the report.
    • Add labels to help you organise your reports.
    • Load the header and footer of an existing report in your new report. If you leave it blank, the new report will appear with the header and footer blank and you can customize them from scratch.

  3. Click on “Save”.

  4. A blank document opens in edit mode.


Editing and customizing documents

The structure of a document in Copérnico includes header, body and foot. All these elements can be edited from the structure of the document:

  • Page Format: choose the size of paper you want to print on.
  • Orientation: vertical or horizontal.
  • Content height: area occupied by the body of the document in the editor (in pixels).
  • Page margins.
  • Header: modify the size of the page and if you want it to be visible or not.
  • Footer: modify the size of the same and if you want it to be visible or not.

To add an item, drag it to the document. All the elements are editable but depending on each one you will have a customization options.

  • Text: you can type a text or select a race variable (Race.Name, Race.Event, Race.Date…) by clicking on the icon in the contextual menu:
  • Line
  • Frame
  • Presets


Add Presets

In the document you can load:

  • Presets of athletes.
  • Presets of teams.
  • Trophies.

Click on the icon of the list of presets you want to load in the document, select the preset and click on the “add” button. You can add as many presets as you need.


Customization of a document

You can customize the entire appearance of a table. You can do this with the overall look and of each component.

To modify the overall look click on the table and a left side menu will open:

  • Data source: name of the preset you are editing.
  • Position (x,y): position of the table in the body of the document, in which (0, 0), supposes upper and left alignment.
  • Columns: number of columns of the table you are editing.
  • Header: shows or not the names of the column headers.
  • Content Rows: rows shown from that table in the editor.
  • Footer: activates or deactivates the header titles also in the footer.
  • Border: contours, color of the border and its width.

To modify the look of an individual elements of the table, double-click on the name in the header of the element and a left-hand side menu will open:

  • Text: show the name of the element in the table you have selected.
  • Width: indicates the width in pixels of that element’s column.
  • Colspan: number of columns that this cell covers.
  • Style: by default all the elements come with a defined style but in the dropdown you can select the one that suits you best. Selecting “none” displays the style customization options.

💡Soon a preview option will be available, so that when you are preparing the documents before a race you can check the report with sample data.


Printing reports

For printing a document, you have to download it in pdf on your device by clicking on the top button “Download PDF” and print it from the file downloaded.

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