A race with laps is one with two or more splits, at least one of them intermediate, which share a physical location. An example would be a race in which the 5K and the finish line are in the same location.
If a participant loses time in one of the splits of this location, the split time of the next lap will be assigned. In our example, the participant does not have a time on lap 4, the finish time has been assigned to this lap and the finish does not have time.
In these cases, you can change the reading to the correct split and Copérnico will make a calculation for the split which has no reading.
- Access the “Participants” section from the left-hand menu.
- In the columns, drag the time of the wrong split cell to the corresponding split cell.
- When dragging the time the window “Validator of calculated times” will appear on the right in which it suggests an automatic calculation of time of passage of that athlete for round 4. Click on the calculation check and then on “Validate” only if you want that time to be taken into account for the classifications.
In the column of the laps the time calculated by Copérnico will appear.
To undo this action, select the athlete and click on the “Incidents” icon in the right side menu. You can undo it by clicking on the trash can icon of the two actions you have performed.
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