Configuring types of teams

team is a collection of participants grouped under one criteria.


The first thing to keep in mind is a club is not the same as a team. The field «club» is merely informative, therefore copérnico does not generate times for clubs. This means if you have to publish rankings involving more than one participant, you will use the "team" field.


Timing teams is similar to timing an individual and we carry it out parallel to timing athletes – by setting up a series of conditions that allow us to obtain rankings. 

An athlete can only be on one team. Copérnico associates the field «team name» with the athlete and looks for identical team names to group them together. Utilizing the field «team name» and «team type» the calculation that we setup can be carried out. 


On the other hand, it is possible that an athlete can belong to various types of teams


For example, in a ranking a prize can be awarded to the club with the highest participation and to the fastest male and female teams by ranking the first 3 finishers. The male participants who have a club will appear in two team types: their club's team and the men's team.


We will set up the team types in each event of the race and add as many types as necessary.


Fill in the information on the types of team.

  • Name:enter the name of the team you are going to configure.
  • Type of calculation: choose between “Athlete Counter” (sums all athletes in a team who complete an interval); or “Sum of times” (sum of the best times of a number of participants which you indicate).
  • Number of participants:number of team participants who will be taken into account for the calculation of the team classification.

Among the team type options are the following: 


  • Sum of times: the times (official or net) of the first participants within the same team, limited by the number of participants who can be ranked established by the race rules. 


  • Athlete counter: count of all the participants that have the same team name and type 


  • Sum of times by gender: sum of times (official or net) of the first participants to arrive to the finish line. For example two men and one woman, or three men and two women, that have the same team name and type 


  • Athlete time in position (X) of the team: Time of an athlete who enters in positions (X) of the team. Por example, time of the athlete who enters in position 2º.  


  • Average times:the average times (official or net) of all the participants who arrive to the finish line from the same team 


  • Sum of times by gender with minimums: You can set up the quantity of participants that have to arrive to the finish line in order to caculate the sum, with a minimum of men or women. For example, to compute 5 team components, with a minimum of 2 women, leave the minimum of men at 0 and the minium women at 2.  


  • Sum of positions: carry out a sum of positions based on the number of athletes and choose what type of position: absolute, by gender or category 


  • Sum of positions by gender: carry out a sum of positions based on the number of athletes, choosing a minimum number of men and women, and a type of position: absolute, by gender or category 

💡 Assigning team types to particip[ants takes place during import. We explain how to do it in this article “Importing participants”.
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