The way virtual races are designed, there is a table by which participants validate themselves when they are going to participate in a virtual race.
There are 2 main ways to bring registrants into this table:
- From Sportmaniacs, by selecting registrants sending during registration setup. We explain how to do it in this TimingSense Academy article.
- Through the API connection. If you have your own registration platform or you use a platform that is not Sportmaniacs, you can submit registrants through the API. In this article we explain how to do it.
How to access panel of registrants in virtual races?
Each virtual race has its own panel of registrants.
To access each panel of your virtual races or applications there are 2 ways:
- Click on “Applications” at the top of the screen. Search for the application and when you find a race you want to work on, click on the list icon on the right.
This gif shows you the easy way of doing it
From Copernico, once you have selected your race, go to the plugins section – inscription list.
What can you do in the virtual race registrants panel?
- Delete all registrants: Either because you made a mistake during the import of registrations or for any other reason.
- Download registrants: you may need them to do some checking and you want to download them in CSV.
- Import registrants: You just have to put headers with correct names in the CSV file, and do the import with a couple of clicks. At this link you can see an example file, the headers can be called exactly as in the example. We explain how to do it here.
As you can see in the following gif, clicking on import opens a side panel where you can drag the CSV file to or select it and see the columns to be imported. You can also modify encoding of your file together with delimiter type. In our example the delimiter is changed to “semicolon.”
- Update registrants: it is used to update existing data. Clicking this button will update the latest inscriptions in the database.
- Filter and sort by any column in the table: It can be used in an inscription search where you only have only an email data for.
You can also perform the following operations by selecting at least one participant:
- Create a participant in Copérnico: Once you selected a participant, click on the “Create in Copernico” button, select the event which you want to create it in, then click on “OK”. The participant will be created in Copernico with all the fields from the table, but with no times. This operation is mainly used to solve incidents in virtual races. For example, you can find a participant in the table and create it in Copernico to add their times manually.
- Import of participant’s GPX to Copernico: select a participant and click on “Import GPX” button, after the side panel opens select the event and the file to import. Then click on “import_gpx” and your participation will be created. This operation, like the previous one, also serves to resolve incidents. For example, you can search for a participant by his last name and create his participation directly in Copernico.
In the following gif you can see how a participant is created, how the GPX file is processed and how it is changed to the finished state.
- Delete selected participants: you can delete one or various at a time. Please note that once you select more than one, operations “create participation” and “Import GPS file” disappear.
Can I edit a participant’s data from the dashboard?
To update a participant’s data, you must import it again with the same ID. This will overwrite the new data and delete the old data.
You can do this with one participant, or you can update multiple participants at once.
To do this you must click on import and then add or overwrite.
How do I add new participants?
To upload the new participants, you must click import and then add or overwrite.
These participants you want to add must have unique IDs. If you use pre-imported IDs, the data will be updated, a new participant will not be created.
When to use purge and add?
If you click on Purge and Add when you are doing a new import data, this will pre-delete all available data before adding the data from the file you are importing.
Perform 2 actions in 1. First delete all the data and then import the new data.
What columns are needed?
Only the ones you need to time. That is: bib number, first name, last name, gender to calculate gender positions, and date of birth to calculate the category positions. The chip is optional because if you don’t put it, gets automatic.
And also to do validation in the APP. You can’t expect them to be validated by ID and not uploaded.
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