How to enable virtual events
In this article you will learn how to setup your events in Sportmaniacs as virtual.
What you should bear in mind is that dates in the virtual events will no longer be set up in Sportmaniacs, but in the applications panel created for it, although dates will keep appearing in different sections for information purposes.
Access to the panel
We created a new setup panel for enabling virtual events. To get there click on “Applications” in the Sportmaniacs top menu and search for a race you want to work on, then click on the pencil icon for editing.
This gif shows how to do it:
You will find the following sections in the App control panel:
- Events: here you can set dates of participation, choose if your event is a pre-established route or a free one, and if you want it to be displayed in the app or not.
- Form fields: here you can configure the way your participants are validated in the application: ID, identification number, date of birth, etc.
- Automatized operations: we explain it our further article on App customization.
- Home buttons: we explain it our further article on App customization.
- Advertising space: we explain it our further article on App customization
Setting of events in the application
In the events section you can perform the following actions:
- Delete those events you do not want to be displayed in the App.
- Enable an event as virtual:when you enable an event as virtual you must select the “virtual race” mode.
- Set the start and end date of participation in each event: This date indicates “from” and “to” for registrants to participate in the event. This date is the one displayed in the application in the participation section.
- Select a virtual race mode:
- Free: participants can race anyware they want to cover the required event distance.
- Route: participants should do a pre-established route. The pre-established route should be uploaded to Copernico they way it’s explained below.
Validation of participants in the application
By default, validation of participants or login is done with the “ID” and “date of birth” fields, but you can modify type of validation in “Form fields”.
You can select any field that you can find in the application validation table or in an intermediate table. For example, bib-number, ID, identification number or any other field you need.
To change default settings you should fill in the following fields:
- Name: select the field with which you want your participants to be validated, you can select any field from the intermediate table. In our example these are “ID document” and “name”, one for the ID and the other for the name.
- Field type: choose between text type field or date type field. If you choose “date type” participants will see a date selector field.
- Tag: this is what participants see when being validated. This tag allows you to name the field in a different way than it was generated in the intermediate table. For example, if the validator is the registration code, you can have “registration code” data in the intermediate table being “identification number” for participants. To do this, select the “registration code” field and fill in :identification number” in the tag field.
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