On the screen of the device you will see the following items:
1. Main menu: gives access to the device menu.
2. Race: shows the name of the race that the device has configured. If no race is set, nothing will appear.
3. Timing point (Location): shows the timing point that the device has configured. It corresponds with the physical location of the box. If no timing point is set, nothing will appear.
4. System time: displays the time of day. This is the time you are going to put the readings of the tags, so you should make sure it is correct.
5. Tag readouts: here you will see how the readings appear as the runners pass each timing point. The left column shows the number of the bib and the left column shows the recorded time.
6. Antennas: shows the antennas that you have connected to the system. This corresponds to the UHF ports available. If an exclamation mark (⚠️) is displayed, it means that you do not have an antenna connected.
7. Temperature: shows the temperature of the CPU, the reader and the battery.
8. Battery charging status: this is displayed in 3 colors (red, orange and green) according to the level of charge. When on charge, the bar indicates that the system is connected to the power.
9. Sending to database: you can tap here to show the transfer status of readings between the different databases stored internally on the system.
10. Bib readings: you can tap here to show the total number of readings, the number of unique readings, the number of readings on the set timing point in that moment and the number of readings lost between the reader and the CPU.
11. USB backup: when you are making a backup of the session, selecting this tab will open a window in which you can see the number of readings sent or queued to the USB.
12. TSConnector connection status: indicates whether the system has a local connection to the computer running the TSConnector software. The local connection will be either ethernet or wifi.
13. TSCloud connection status: indicates whether there is a connection with TSCloud. Clicking on it will show the readings that have been sent to the cloud.
14. Internet connection status: indicates if the system is connected to the internet.
15. Ethernet: shows the static IP of the system. It will display only when the system is connected via ethernet cable. This can be modified.
16. Wifi connection status: shows the name of the Wifi network to which the system is connected, and the IP you are using.
Selecting the menu button will display the menu in a left sidebar. The following items are displayed in the menu:
- Software version installed
- System name
- Configuration
- Clock synchronization
- Waves
- Previous sessions
- System shutdown
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