Customizing a race image

You can customize the image of your race app to offer a closer look to the one of the race brand.

  1. Enter the race page in Sportmaniacs.
  2. Display “More Options” in the left side menu.
  3. Click on “App”.
  4. Click on the upload icon in the “Images” section.

  5. Choose the image you want to upload.

  6. Click and drag the image it until it is centered in the visible space of the screen. You can also scale the selected image to make it bigger or smaller with the magnifying glass icons.
  7. You can color the image with a colour from the available palette (the colours are automatically extracted from the chosen image). This can be very useful to highlight the text you are going to insert over the image.
  8. Selects the colour for the texts (white or black).

  9. Click “Save”.

You will be able to see the image that you load in your list of races if you have a company app.

💡 We recommend that you always choose an image with little or no text in it. The name of the race will be loaded automatically.
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