Database connection: RaceTec

❗❗In order to connect TSConnector with RaceTec your computer must have access to the software’s database.

When TSConnector is connected to RaceTec, the readings that TSConnector receives from the connected devices will be inserted into the database of the timing software.


  1. Open the menu.
  2. Enable the connection with RaceTec by clicking on the t0ggle switch.
    Connecting with RaceTec - Step 1
  3. Enter the name of the server you wish to connect to.
  4. Enter the username and password of the SQL server.
  5. Click on “Test connection”.
    Connecting with RaceTec - Step 5

  6. In the pop-up window, click “Yes”.
    Connecting with RaceTec - Step 6

In the home screen you will see the TimingPoints that have already been created for that race in RaceTec. In the menu, the RaceTec button will have changed to green and the name of the race will appear.


To deactivate RaceTec, click on the toggle switch. If the deactivation was successful, the RaceTec button will change back to gray in the menu.


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