Connection to Sportmaniacs / Remote connection via the cloud

❗❗To set up a connection via the cloud, you must first create the splits and and the race in Sportmaniacs.
❗❗To receive readings from the remote devices in TSConnector, to view the status and to perform remote actions, they must be connected remotely.

From TSConnector you can upload the control points that have previously been set up in Sportmaniacs and view the status of the remotely connected devices. You can also receive readings from the remote device.

  1. Open the menu.
  2. Click the switch to activate the Sportmaniacs connection.
    Remote connection - Step 2

  3. Start your session in Sportmaniacs, enter your username and password and click “Access”.
    Remote connection - Step 3

  4. Click on the race you will be timing and accept by clicking the green check that appears on the screen.
    Remote connection - Step 4


The control points that have been configured for the race and the active equipment will appear automatically on the home screen in TSConnector. In the menu, the Sportmaniacs tab will be display in green and the name of the race will be shown.


To deactivate the remote connection, click on the green switch in the Sportmaniacs tab. When it displays in gray, the connection has been successfully deactivated.


The device that is remotely connected for the race will appear in TSConnector only after the first connection is established. For this reason, some of the devices may not appear straight away. Once they have connected, they will continue to show in TSConnector whether they are active or not.
❗❗Further to activating the connection with Sportmaniacs, you must also connect with your preferred software (RaceTec, socket or CSV). If not, your readings will not be relayed to a database or CSV file.

💡You can hide any devices connected remotely if necessary by using the cross icon to the left of the equipment control panel. This can be recovered at any time from the hidden equipment menu.


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