Managing unidentified chips
En una carrera pueden aparecer chips no asignados a ningún participante y que sí hayan generado lecturas.
Esto puede ocurrir por ejemplo, porque a un atleta se le ha asignado mal un chip o no se le ha asignado ninguno. En este caso, este atleta no aparecerá en las clasificaciones.
Puedes consultar todos los chips no asignados en una carrera en el menú raws.
You can access the raws menu on on the left hand side.
All of the timing devices have a drop down menu to see the status of singularly-read chips by way of an arrow on the right.
The information available here will include chips read by the device at the timing point, grouped into the following categories:
- Chips associated with an athlete in an event.
- Unassigned chips that are within the configured sequencing of the race.
- Unassigned chips that are outside of the configured sequencing of the race.
By clicking on an unassigned chip you can see all of the reads it generated in each timing point, as well as create or assign an athlete to it.
Also, you have the option to create a series of pseudo athletes in order to retrieve readings from the unassociated chips.
Follow these steps:
Select the icon “Creation of tags without data”, situated on the right hand side bar under the raws section.
- The “Creation of tags without data” will show all of the unassigned chips inside and outside of the configured race sequencing.
Normally you will only use the chips that sit inside the configured race sequence.
In addition, you can remove chips you do not want to use for the creation of tags without data and click: "CREATE TAGS WITHOUT DATA"".
Copérnico will open the participants menu where we can continue working with the new information from these tags.
For example we can assign a chip to an event, sex, category and a wave if there is more than one.
After the tags have been created, they will have rankings just like any other participant.
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