Creating a race from the TSPortable APP

If you wish to create a race that hasn’t been set up in Sportmaniacs, you can do it through the app.

❗❗If you create a race manually through the app, your readings will not be sent to TSCloud and will not be visible in TSConnector, though they will be saved on the mobile device.
❗❗Be sure that the RFID reader is switched on by pressing the trigger.
  1. Press the “+” button in the bottom right hand corner of the start screen.
    Creating a race from the TSPortable app - Step1

  2. Complete the information that appears on the screen:
    • Race name
    • Point of race: Timing point that will be used by TSPortable.
    • Start date: Start date of the race.
    • End date: Date the race will finish.
    Creating a race from the TSPortable app - Step2

  3. Press “Add race”.
  4. Select the location configured in step 2 in the “Point of race” field.
    Connecting via the cloud to a pre-existing race - Step2

Once you have selected the location, the app will connect to the reader automatically and you will be able to start timing. If it is unable to establish a connection, try selecting it again from the list.

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